There was once a fairy tale about a planet that was the most beautiful thing imaginable.
On the planet, people were bound and could not appreciate each other, the animals and nature.
But you were enchanted by something called Mammon.
They did not understand how to appreciate this miracle called life, but they made sure to acquire as many dead objects as possible, then they got something called power and superiority. Strange you might think, but that’s how it was.
It was a bewitchment that turned the kindest into something as ugly as the lust for power perfection if the opportunity arose.
Not to help other people but to other people themselves in the rush to get even more dead things around them.
Yes, on this planet you could actually start a war against people you had never met and destroy their country, homes, children, parents and elderly in the belief that you were doing something good.
Behind the wars were a few dark souls who spread propaganda and hatred so that the people who did not know better were paralyzed, they stopped questioning but they followed blindly down to the dark corners of the abyss.
To only question why? To see who these actions actually benefited.
But fear was the biggest thing on this planet that people followed blindly whatever the dark souls said.
Looking at the history of what the dark souls had done before on the planet, well even this did not make man wake up.
But you followed the commands of the dark souls.
Those who tried to awaken these souls often received exactly what was within the following people and that was it
”the hate”
Everyone who did not follow the current to the abyss was hated and condemned in the eyes of the people.
Yes, so sad and so tragic when paradise lay before their feet, the love and diversity, the spiritual maturity and attentiveness to mother earth and everything living there was blown away.
Hope was with some bright souls who desperately tried to wake up their Brothers and Sisters despite the strong resistance from the forces of darkness.
Yes, how did it actually end on this different planet?
Yes, that story isn’t quite finished yet!!!!
Glitter and Blood
M.R.B line up
Fabio Buitvidas Trummor 🇧🇷
Raphael Mattos Gitarr 🇧🇷
Mikael Erlandsson Keyboard 🇸🇪
Zenny Gram Sång 🇸🇪
Magnus Rosén Bas 🇸🇪
Christian Hobohm
Olé Bang
Video producent:
Peter Öberg Phantom Releases Creative media team.
Omslag Torbjörn Lantz Jörgensen
Releases by Sound Pollution
Photo Bengt Persson

Love Peace Understanding
Remember: Questions gives knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
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#avelibooks #soundpollution #WineLodgeSmedjan
#magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraklet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #nyhetsmorgon #tv4#rocknytt #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs #mannebass #understanding #thesea #sun#heavymetal #rockmusic #rock #itstimetorocktheworldagain