Green World
For those who don’t know it says:
Green Cross stand for a peaceful world with a focus on nature and animals!
With a wonderful feeling, I have received the ambassadorship for Green-Cross!
Life is short, so being able to use music’s wonderful creativity and breadth to spread something constructive and positive to our world 🌍 is nothing but a joy.
A flag that I would love to take with me on my journey through life!
Standing for something constructive feels liberating!!!
Love Peace Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
Ambassador for Green Cross
#green-cross #book #magnusrosenband #outsidetherockbox #greencross #soundpollution #romelanda #moderearth #spirituel #kärleken #godheten #ljuset #höst #fall #fred #peace
#avelibooks #soundpollution #artificialintelligence #greencross
#magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraclet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #nyhetsmorgon #tv4 #rocknytt #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs