AI – wrote this
The first time an intelligence that is not a human has written about me! Tompa Thelin asked AI – ”artificial intelligence” to make a poem about me, then it turned out like this for better or for worse!
With fingers nimble and bass in hand,
Magnus Rosen takes the stage and commands, The rhythm section, the heart and soul, With every note, he sets the goal. The low-end thunders, the groove takes hold, Magnus’ playing is pure gold, He brings the funk, he brings the heat, His basslines, oh so sweet. From HammerFall to The Quill, Magnus’ talent, impossible to kill, He rocks the crowd, he steals the show, His bass playing, a force to know. So here’s to Magnus Rosen, the bass master, May his talent and passion, forever last and, Keep us grooving, keep us moving, With every beat, his bass improves.
Love Peace Understanding
Remember: Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
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