Album Release may 26
9 days left until our album release May 26 :
Outside The Rockbox with M.R.B
We continue to pay tribute to bands, artists and musicians who have inspired over the years such as Metallica, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, Deep Purple, Bonjovi and others through instrumental braids that wind through hard rock / Metal, fusion, funk, Swedish folk music Polkka and classical musical tones!
A mini Album only for the really music-lovers!!!
The album can be ordered at Sound Pollution
The album includes:
Fabio Buitvida’s drums / Keyboard / producer
Raphael Mattos Guitar
Magnus Rosén Bas
Jonas Hansson Guitar
George Keczan Piano and Keyboard
Cover: Torbjörn Lantz Pedersen
Sign in Peter Öberg – Phantom Media
The ad made by the Rock magazine METALIZED
Love Peace Understanding
Remember: Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
varvcafebar #brännö
avelibooks #fabiobuitvidas #raphaelmattos #jonashansson
georgekeczan #phantommedia #soundpollution
magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraclet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs #understanding #thesea #sun #heavymetal #hardrock #music #outsidetherockbox