Green Cross Ambassador Magnus Rosén, former bass player in the metal band HammerFall, is today enthusiastically engaged on many fronts, and soon off to the start of The Tree of Life Tour in Brazil, beginning on November 1st, in collaboration with Green Cross and many partners.
The 2023 multimedia musical tour in Brazil is a first phase which will lay the ground for a greater tour in 2024, where he will be playing with many diverse music groups, including a concert at the historical opera house of Teatro de Amazonas in Manaus.
Rosén will perform with many musical constellations, including Brazilian, Swedish and Indigenous musicians playing in Brazilian concert halls, schools and communities.
The greater aim of The Tree of Life Tour is to raise awareness for protection of the Amazon Rainforest. November is a first phase prelaunch for a spring tour Part II in 2024, and together with Green Cross launch a campaign for tree planting to promote biodiversity in the Rainforest, in collaboration with Indigenous People.
Magnus Rosén who simply loves to rock, will perform and continue to break the boundaries of musical genres. With explosive metal at heart, he will as a Green Cross Ambassador be blogging for Sweden Rock Magazine to share his experiences from The Tree of Life Tour directly with his fans and the public.
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Photo: Vic Saida
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