Blog 13 – The Tree Of Life Tour
Blog 13
” The Tree Of Life Tour ” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.
The breeze was welcome as I leaned over the dock and a pink bill looked out of the water. Hot hot hot 😅 it was also this day.
A dolphin and 2.3 more were collected.
Yes, such a pink dolphin was the first time I had ever seen one for real in the middle of the Amazon River.
We got to feed the dolphins which was a bit of fun before we boarded the narrow but fast boat that took us across the Amazon River.
When we arrived, we looked into a market with lots of different stuff!
In there it was a little cooler than the scorching sun.
The day has otherwise been calm.
We see online that several newspapers / television have taken an interest in us and are starting to publish our mission.
Yes, we had not even dared to hope for this.
Spreading the word is exactly what is needed to make people aware of our world.
Inspiring is probably the best way to bring about a change.
Lunch was at the hotel and some preparations for the evening’s solo bass concert.
After all, we are sitting in long queues and are a little late. So we’ll see how much or rather how little time I get for sound check etc.
But I’ve learned after all these years to just like the situation and then make the best of the situation.
I will also sit on the jury for a band competition, but I think I mentioned this in the last blog.
Will return in a few hours after the performance.
Sitting right now and being Jury for Death Metal and Metal bands with a volume that can make the ears fall off.
Thinking about how my solo bass performance feels a bit gut-wrenching.
Yes, a little extra cool is required here to cope with this, leeeeer! What a challenge 😅!
Will be back in a while!
A few hours later!
With a very short sound check in front of a full house is a short story, so to speak. Everything should just go as quickly as possible. Then it’s just a matter of tightening the bow as much as possible, to see later if it was enough.
Dax to enter the stage!!!
Now the sweat is flowing and my bass show is done.
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. 🤘❤️ it was fusion, classical music, Dance music and some folk music for this wonderful Rock audience.
Everything worked fine and the applause and smiles from the beautiful crowd in Manaus warmed my heart.
For those interested in the following, Sweden Rock Magazine’s page is:
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross