Blog 15 – The Tree Of Life Tour
Blog 15
”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.
When I opened my eyes this morning I was in Salvador, the sun beaming in between the wooden shutters of the shutters.
This city was the first capital of Brazil and had a history from when the Portuguese came here.
It was then when man was horribly trading in slaves and this was one of the places they arrived.
Sometimes you wonder what kind of species we humans are.
Breakfast was waiting downstairs in the old but fine hotel. It was about 9:00 a.m. and fresh fruit, coffee, omelette, bread and yogurt were served.
The day is waiting outside and Raimundo arrived at the hotel around 11:00.
We had decided that we would spend the morning on the beach, which was a stone’s throw from the hotel.
A beach packed with people this Saturday.
We didn’t see any direct tourists, but the beach was probably a place where people liked to spend their free time.
On this day, we were supposed to visit Raimundo’s mother Gloria, who was
Ombudsman for the government when it comes to the judiciary and people’s mobility and obligations.
Raimundo, who also works in the government, has, among other things, worked with human rights but also investigations within the department about errors or violations of the law that were made within the corridors of power.
This means that questions about different perspectives make it exciting.
Questions provide answers based on different platforms, which can illuminate from a government perspective versus an ordinary citizen’s point of view.
It is probably one of the more important questions to understand in order to form a comprehensive understanding of how a society actually works.
Many interesting topics of conversation have taken place.
This afternoon was spent in the Old Town of Pelourinho, which must be seen again
one visits Salvador.
Colorful low buildings, full of old churches, restaurants, galleries and live music.
If the drum and the rhythm had a capital, it would probably be Salvador.
This neighborhood also had a darker past when it came to the slave trade many years ago.
But today the district is bursting with positivity.
There are many thoughts that go through your head when you think of the different times man has walked and walks here on our planet!
Justice and injustice intertwined into the history of humanity.
I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then it’s the wrong people round the table!!! That’s what I believe!!!
Make the world a better place 🌍
Love, Peace & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free World
Magnus Rosén
For those interested in following the Sweden Rock Magazine page:
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross