Blog 17 My last one on The Tree Of Life Tour in Brazil
”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.
Blog 17 – my last blog for this tour!!!
Yes 🙌 day is the day before the journey home!
Hot as usual 😅
Yesterday was a day they celebrated solemnly and it was ”Black’s Day” those with darker skin. One can imagine that it is about slavery being abolished on 20 November some year in the 1800s.
We were watching a cultural event at a school where they celebrated with various performances this evening.
The day after.
Morning and breakfast is just finished and
we just checked out of the hotel.
The direction is set to review these rainwater collectors as well as compost stations where you convert the compost into biogas for the household / mopeds.
There will also be the last appearance this time for us with information about
”The Tree Of Life Tour” and some live music.
Then awaits a 15-mile journey by car to the hotel in Fortaleza.
And tomorrow it goes home!
The summary is extensive as so much has happened. Long car journeys and many flights within Brazil.
Amazon jungle with music video recording, documentary film. We have been highlighted in Brazilian television, radio, newspapers, etc.
Plus many performances with information and music.
Today we found out that the new president has resumed support for this project with Cetra in Brazil and
”Benton 50 AB – (Bengt Carlsson) from Sweden”
which is very gratifying to people who cultivate the soil.
Since the end of the 1990s, they have succeeded in building 1.3 million rainwater collectors in Brazil, but of course much more is needed!
Bengt is a visionary who makes a difference. To enjoy feeling to help long-term with
”Help yourself” Bengt Carlsson’s passion and joy in helping those in need really creates an inspiration of great value.
This wonderful energy spreads along his path.
Bengt offered me to accompany him on this journey and create a cultural and musical megaphone, which has succeeded very well with all the attention we have received.
I’m only a small key in the game but I’m so happy to still be involved in some corner.
Gratitude is great with me, as I wrote before, to be able to use my music making in this way.
That’s how I see it.
My own story creates a personal key to the quote I find so beautiful – Make the world a better place!
For those who want more info or maybe even support in this project, you can just write on one of my pages and I will send contact details to Bengt Carlsson 👉 Cetra Brazil 🇧🇷.
And now for my personal thanks!!!
I would first like to thank Bengt Carlsson for this collaboration which has been outstanding and inspiring in every way!🙏🤠
Many thanks to Green Cross, which I represent as an Ambassador.
And not least Sweden Rock Magazine which has given me the opportunity for my blogging!
And thanks to everyone who has been on this adventure, partners like Mario, Ivo, Raimundo, Cetra, plus the best film crew in Manaus, Tv Global, newspapers, interviews, P4, blog readers and not least the audience.
Everyone has had their part in this adventure –
”The Tree Of Life Tour 2023”
Hats off to me 🎩.
Thank you most humbly for this!
I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then it’s the wrong people round the table!!! That’s what I believe!!!
Make the world a better place 🌍
Love, Peace & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free World
Magnus Rosén
For those interested in following the Sweden Rock Magazine page:
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross