Blogg 12 The Tree Of Life Tour
Blog 12
” The Tree Of Life Tour ” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.
What would the world have looked like if we had followed the path of peace instead of mammon’s 😈 path are thoughts that appear!
What days and such experiences here in the Amazon.
Manaus, located in the middle of the Amazon on the back of the Amazon River, is a city with roots from when the Europeans’ warlike takeover of South America took place.
I easily forget how the white man has behaved.
But that’s what other peoples have done in our world during different periods of time.
One day the civilized person or uncivilized in many cases should sit down and look through what has been done to our world.
How it has been dealt with, even today this happens.
To come to terms with history and take a step back to Analyze with love and respect how to restore stolen values from poor countries that are in the power establishment.
To free poor countries from the shackles where the West still exploits 3 the world.
In my opinion, we should help 3 the world with education, help for self-help, reduce the gaps between poor and rich, by that I still mean up at the top where a lot of money has been collected for a few people.
What would the world look like if we followed the path of peace?
Some people believe that war must exist, well that’s how we learned about our world. But this is not true, because then all countries would be constantly at war, but only certain countries are at war in our world. No one may be stupid but for business for certain companies such as the arms industry, for natural resources and power placements.
This would be good to see and question.
After all, we are human – brothers and sisters in this world. Not enemy.
Prevent with wisdom and prudence a respect for the fact that we are all different, which gives a wonderful diversity and at the same time equal.
Now sitting with an incredibly good pineapple juice.
Bengt, Ivo and a policeman named Francisco are sitting at the table. Have taken the opportunity to hear what life as a police officer is like in this part of the world.
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Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green-Cross