Hearts on Fire
Here comes a tribute to Hammerfall and all the wonderful fans
Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ocx4aMAmzE
Recorded by M.R.B and the album Its time to Rock the world again.
Being able to travel the world and meet music lovers in all possible cultures is a privilege and a blessing.
There are so many great musicians who would have been on the world stage but never got the chance
Am so grateful to feel this amazing response from people / fans that some appreciate over the years.
So we want to celebrate this with an interpretation of the song Hearts on Fire, which was our breakthrough in Hammerfall, at least as I see it.
Line up:
Fabio Buitvidas / Producer Drums
Raphael Mattos Guitar
Zenny Gram Song
Mikael Erlandsson keyboard / Vocals
Magnus Rosen bass
Guest singer on this song: Ivan Martin’s
Run The German
Photo www.artphotosweden.se Bengt Persson.
Love Peace Understanding
Remember: Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
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