Merry Christmas!!!
This is a Story:
What do we want on Mother Earth in the future.

Every minute we take a small elf step into the future.
Every minute we leave behind our history.
History tells us who we are.
It is where we have made our various choices that become like footprints of ourselves.
The future is a blank page that wants to be written every day whether we like it or not. There, everyone leaves their new traces, known or unknown, rich or poor in our own fairy tale that is intertwined with the fairy tales of others.
My gift will be in sound and image which is about the future little Santa’s steps that create and shape our miraculous planet in different directions. The miracle happens precisely in these little Santa steps as it is where the future writes its new leaves and at the same time leaves behind us our little footprints as in a Christmas fairy tale in a winter landscape!
With this, I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas.
The sound and image package is precisely about the various possibilities that depend on just about everyone, where some of the thousands and thousands of doors of possibilities must be opened or closed.
World wide Release this ”Christmas Eve” where the Message is:
Let love, wisdom, wisdom and freedom never be silenced ❤️🤗
The winds of love sweep over the world 👉❤️🤘
Premiere video today 24 Dec with the instrumental song Terminator – M.R.B
Line up:
Fabio Buitvida’s Drums
Raphael Mattos Guitar
Zenny Gram Voice
Mikael Erlandsson Keyboard / Voice
Magnus Rosén Bass
Video producer Peter Pan – Phantom & Release
Creative media service
Christian Hobohm
Ole Bang
Release / distribution by Sound Pollution
Make the world a better place
Love, Peace & Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free World
Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross
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book #musiksnacket #magnusrosenband #outsidetherockbox #soundpollution #romelanda #motherearth #spiritual #kärleken #godheten #ljuset #höst #fall #julmarknad
avelibooks #soundpollution #greencross
magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraclet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #rocknytt #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs #mannebass #understanding #thesea #sun #heavymetal #rockmusic #rock #itstimetorocktheworldagain