My book
Now that my book is out in all libraries throughout Sweden, an English version is on G and an audiobook will be made during the summer!
Yes, then it feels like my book has made a nice entrance on all levels, which is very fun!
Many thanks to Avelibooks!!!
For those who are interested in having the book on the bookshelf, you can order the book: The base in my heart at Adlibris:
Tv 4 Nyhetsmorgon about the book
The link to the feature:
Who am I? A nice article in Rocknytt 2023:
Magnus Rosén
Love Peace Understanding
Remember: Questions give knowledge
Free Speech gives a Free world
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#avelibooks #soundpollution
#magnusrosen #bassplayer #ljuset #miraclet #basenimitthjärta #avelibooks #mrb #nyhetsmorgon #tv4 #rocknytt #manneinstrument #manneguitars #ebs #mannebass #understanding #thesea #sun #heavymetal #rockmusic #rock