The tree of life tour in Brazil

48 hours later!
Hello, I want to start by saying that I am moved by so many texting and writing to me and asking where I went after the departure, which was quite so long.
But now I’m here! Thank you for this nice thoughtfulness beautiful friends 🙏❤️
The departure to the other side of the globe with the base on your back.
The clock rang at 02.00 and Taxi ( Morgan Lindqvist ) was to arrive at 02.30!
It was an early morning or late night with some coffee simmering in the kitchen and some fried eggs.
Yes, you need something in your stomach as there was a very long day of travel ahead.
You know, some nights it gets pitch black outside, one such night was this morning.
Tired hm well, took almost a quarter of an hour to open my eyes, just kidding.
But I was a bit stubborn.
When the suitcase and the base were packed in the car, we headed out onto the dirt road and the journey began.
We picked up Bengt Carlsson in Kungälv at a gas station where we had arranged to meet, then it was off to the airport.
A very calm morning without a breath of wind, it meant a calm and not cloudy flight to Paris.
Paris, the capital of perfume and fashion.
So some perfume shops were visited, as well as a coffee place.
We met some other Swedes who were also on their way to Brazil to kitesurf.
It’s when you hold a type of kite that flies while standing on a surfboard. Yes, you can actually get up 10-20 meters in the air with your board.
It was nice coffee.
Once on board an Airbus 350 – 900 it was
some movies, food some beer had as we made our way across the Atlantic towards Brazil.
Calm and nice we landed in Fortaleza.
When the heat directly finds its way through the cracks in the gate from the airplane, a pleasant feeling goes through the body.
About 34 degrees meet us this evening!
Both mine and Bengt’s bag were included, which was a relief as that is not always the case.
The bass arrived as hand luggage without any comments which might be good for other musicians to know when it comes to KLM and Air France.
We are now sitting in a car that has probably driven more than 3 hours up to the country.
It is pitch black outside but the instrument lighting in the car lights up a little inside the car.
The air conditioning is on full blast. Just put on a sweater as it’s almost freezing cold ❄️ in the car from the air conditioning.
Don’t really know where we’re going, but want to think there will be some food at some road stop and then some hotel or maybe Mario’s home.
Yes, those who wait will see!
Pretty sore after the flight and getting off the pillow this early morning. Almost 24 hours since you got up.
Sobral is the name of the place we stayed at.
Continuation follows but not right now as fatigue begins to take over.
Wish you a good evening .
Sincerely, Magnus
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