Tree of Life Tour

Blog 10

”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine.

Bengt, I and Ivo are sitting in a rented bus for our mission.
The clouds are big and towering in the sky with sunbeams shining through here and there.
I think to myself, let the rain come and fertilize nature with the substance that makes life possible ”the water” that we so easily take for granted.
Even though we will be out in the rain forests for a couple of days, I hope for rain 🌧️ as it is really needed.

So curious about the day.
We have a bus and a trailer with 5 people plus driver besides myself and Bengt in our film crew including guide.
The guy driving the other vehicle is also part of the film crew / producer is also a Metal bass player for many years. His name is “Jayth Neto”
It’s absolutely amazing that it knows my rear end this far away. I get to hear stories where you yourself are involved. Yes, people know a lot more than you might expect.

I didn’t expect anything myself, so this comes as an extra pat on the back.

This morning, as almost every day, we have interesting conversations about humanism and also apparatus that can make a self-propelled in the form of cultivation and energy / electricity.
The conversations at breakfast were about solar energy based on solar panels where the energy can also be saved for the night without ”environmentally dangerous” batteries!

Yes, we will now check this with people we know who work to calculate how this simple but very functional apparatus could look in terms of size and what energy supply would be possible.

After a few hours of travel!

When we checked into the small, simple hotel, it was time for lunch.
Then we entered the Amazon rainforest.
So far, the air conditioning in the bus was doing its job, but when the door opened and we stepped out, the heat and humidity hit like a road.
The sweat poured down and the t-shirt got completely wet as well as the pants. Hot and stuffy was just the first name.
The jungle with its tall trees and small streams that wound their way.
If there were mosquitoes, the answer is yes, I had bargained on quite a lot of mosquito spray but didn’t think it really kept the little critters away from me.

Standing in the middle of the Amazon is something absolutely fantastic.
The day before, bassist Jayth Neto talked about legends and myths, beings and creatures from the rainforests. These stories made the forest even more alive.
As if the forest had a soul of its own.

It has been seen on satellite images and other discoveries from ground level that there have been large civilized cityscapes inside the Amazon jungles in the form of outlines under the vegetation.
Yes, this part of the world contains secrets that we still don’t really know much about.
The riddle hides far back in history from developed civilizations with knowledge and perspective about the miracles of life.

The film we are making here is about
Dreaming visions and faith in the future for the rainforests and those who live there.

It will be a music video mixed with documentary elements.
Our mission and belief in a healthy world. It’s something we can all do, it’s just trying to make the right choice in a small or big way on different levels.
Our plan is Love peace understanding.
Most things start with a dream loaded onto a simple paper plan with ideas thrown into the future to one day come true!
The song will be Paperplanes which I and Chitral Somapala have written from Sri Lanka.

We will spend a few days here in the jungle.

On Tuesday there will be a solobass concert in Manaus, which I’m looking forward to, plus I’ll be sitting on a rock jury to select the band that will play cover for Blind Guardian.
There are also some special meetings that will take place on Monday. Will report back on this.
But now there will be a video / film in a couple of days!

I believe human rights is Peace. if you cant find a peace solution then its wrong people round the table!!! Thats what i believe!!!

Make the world a better place 🌍
Love Peace Understanding
Questions give knowledge
Free Speech is given a Free World


For those interested in the following, Sweden Rock Magazine’s page is:

Magnus Rosen – Ambassador for Green Cross