Magnus Rosen in Manaus / Brazil – The Tree of Life Tour
I did a big comprehensive undressed interview where reflections, experience, anecdotes etc. became visible with Whiplash Brazil’s biggest Rock site!Read more about interest available vs at https://whiplash.net/materias/entrevistas/357584.html For those who do not understand Portuguese, Google translate worksThis is how the interview begins, translated into Swedish: Swedish bassist Magnus Rosén (ex-HammerFall, Shadowside, Tony Martin’s Headless Cross,…

Ett litet julklappstips om jag får föreslå något vs!? Kanske min bok som är ett fint och spännande äventyr även med lite bilder i.Lätt läst med goda recensioner. Beställs hos Avelibooks https://avelibooks.se Det kommer även ut en Engelsk version 2024 medWorld Wide Release, vilket känns mycket roligt. Magnus Make the world a better placeLove, Peace…

Podcasten Musiksnacket del 2 finns nu ute!Ja det är lätt att tro –Men visste du detta om mig? Apple:https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/132-magnus-ros%C3%A9n-del-2/id1541519207?i=1000637780807 Spotify:https://open.spotify.com/episode/6HIw4PdPWdYP40TjXjuNCZ?si=b7a3685d22034e23 Film på Youtube:https://youtu.be/LtGniFcPdM4 Foto artphotosweden.se@artohotosweden.se Bengt Persson Magnus I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then it’s the wrong people round the table!!! That’s what I believe!!! Make…

Julklapps tips
Om du vill ge bort en JULKLAPP med signatur – På i dag lördag kan du köpa boken av mig – få den signerad för 263kr ord.pris: 363 kr100kr rabatt.Hjärtligt välkommenAll info finns på bilden. Magnus. I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then it’s the wrong people…

My lectures
From Universities, TV, Rock clubs, rainforests and much more in Brazil Nov 2023: The Tree Of Life tour / to Uddevalla school with 2 rounds of my lectures now on Thursday 8 Dec.Dreams Visions and Faith in the Future:Live music, short film, PowerPoint Stories with a frame of sound, light, laser and smoke! Dare to…

Zenny Grann, Mikael Erlandsson & Magnus Rosèn gästade Tofta Galleri i dag!!! Trevligt på alla sätt! Filmat Sunshine https://youtu.be/kMNt4fgp5G0?si=EP32rb1bxRRM7i7X Önskar en god kväll Med vänlig hälsning, Magnus I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then it’s the wrong people round the table!!! That’s what I believe!!! Make the…

Intervju med Magnus Rosén
Vissa människor undrar konstigt nog varför jag har spelat hängande i en lyftkran? 2 Avsnitt hos Podkasten Musiksnacket – se länk https://podcasts.apple.com/se/podcast/musiksnacket/id1541519207 Youtube live med bas spel a la fusion / Hardrockhttps://youtu.be/LtGniFcPdM4?si=lo-X904jJASxIIHG Eller lirar på 10.000 meters höjd!Varför solobasspel på en Regeringsdelegation i Kina 🇨🇳 Plus mycket mer. Frågan diskuteras också varför boxen väggar inte…

2 Dec Live music onTofta Gallery outside VarbergInterpretations of Rock Classics withMikael Erlandsson, Magnus Rosen and Zenny Gram Open 10.00-16.00Show time 11.00, 13.00, 15.00Coffee music and art gallery.For more info address etc. Tofta Galleri https://www.toftakonstgalleri.se A very warm welcome Magnus I believe Peace is a Human Right. If you can’t find a Peaceful solution then…
Here comes a taster with 5 songs from the album Its Time To Rock the World Again
Glitter and blood- Dressed to Kill- World and times- Sign of the times- Terminator
The Golden Management team
Christian Hobohm
Olé Bang
You can now pre-order my new book 
Everything starts from the inside out.
"In the Base of My Heart"
Maybe a gift card for Christmas!!!
The book will be released in February 2023 via the book publisher Avelibooks.se
The book with roots from the past in my life and thoughts for the future also includes music from the past.
The first 50 books come with a bonus with my solo album "Set Me Free" from 2007, the same year I stopped playing with Hammerfall.
This decision why I left the band is also included in the book.
For ordering and more information about the book, follow the link:
Cover photo: Jerry Lövberg
Love Peace Understanding