Blog 13 – The Tree Of Life Tour
Blog 13 ” The Tree Of Life Tour ” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. The breeze was welcome as I leaned over the dock and a pink bill looked out of the water. Hot hot hot 😅 it was also this day. A dolphin and 2.3 more were collected. Yes, such…

In the newspaper in Brazil
Newspaper news from Brazil regarding our The Tree Of Life Tour: 📲 Check more em:https://amazoniapress.com.br/baixista-sueco-magnus-rosen-grava-videoclipe-e-documentario-no-amazonas/ 2. 3. It is also television from the largest television company in Brazil that will broadcast elements of our mission.Who could dream of this attention, which is also so important. All you have to do is lift your hat 🎩!…

Blogg 12 The Tree Of Life Tour
Blog 12 ” The Tree Of Life Tour ” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. What would the world have looked like if we had followed the path of peace instead of mammon’s 😈 path are thoughts that appear! What days and such experiences here in the Amazon. Manaus, located in the…

Bass concert in Manaus
Welcome: https://youtube.com/shorts/QFsx7-e3_QI?si=dW5ofnJREMJzsMPz Magnus Rosén

The Tree Of Life Tour in Amazonas
Blog 11 ”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. The Amazonian morning was warm where the heat caressed so gently at the breakfast table.What was served was fruit of various kinds, juices, coffee, some bread but also omelette. This night I didn’t sleep very well for some reason,…

Tree of Life Tour
Blog 10 ”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. Bengt, I and Ivo are sitting in a rented bus for our mission.The clouds are big and towering in the sky with sunbeams shining through here and there.I think to myself, let the rain come and fertilize nature with…

Blog 9 – The Tree of Life Tour
Blog 9 ”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. We have visited the very famous opera house in ManausOpera House – Criação de Sites e Lojas Virtuaiswhich is around the corner from our hotel at the moment. To make their voice heard, the idea is to collaborate with…

Blog 8 ” The Tree Of Life Tour ” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. Hot so I’m next running away at the breakfast table in Manaus the Kingdom of the Rainforest.😉. Just kidding, but the day has started and many thoughts go through my head from the grassroots level to the…

Blog 7 Amazonas
Blog 7 ”The Tree Of Life Tour” together with Green Cross blogs for Sweden Rock Magazine. Breakfast at the hotel started a very eventful day.Teacher Ivo came and picked us up this morning / forenoon at 10.00.A very hot day like any other day, but it felt a little extra hot this day. But it…
Here comes a taster with 5 songs from the album Its Time To Rock the World Again
Glitter and blood- Dressed to Kill- World and times- Sign of the times- Terminator
The Golden Management team
Christian Hobohm
Olé Bang
You can now pre-order my new book 
Everything starts from the inside out.
"In the Base of My Heart"
Maybe a gift card for Christmas!!!
The book will be released in February 2023 via the book publisher Avelibooks.se
The book with roots from the past in my life and thoughts for the future also includes music from the past.
The first 50 books come with a bonus with my solo album "Set Me Free" from 2007, the same year I stopped playing with Hammerfall.
This decision why I left the band is also included in the book.
For ordering and more information about the book, follow the link:
Cover photo: Jerry Lövberg
Love Peace Understanding